Friday, December 28, 2012

The rest of India's daughter are alive for now...

One of India's daughter died...
The rest of India's daughter are alive for now...

I am here, trying my best to instill in my 5 year old, How he should be proud to be of Indian lineage, How we are all proud to be an Indian
- In India we live by the law of Dharma, I remember saying.............
- My Navarathiri invite screamed, "Celebrate the power of ladies"
- And so was my explanation of Navarathiri, to Nikhil's foreign friends
- In India, We honor and celebrate womanhood, I remember saying.............
- We are Hindus Nikhil, we have so many Girl Gods. We need to respect ladies. I remember saying.............
- See, Ravana was so powerful, yet the second he laid his hands on Sita, who didn't like him, all his powers were of no use. I remember saying.............
- Know what, I think I can proudly say, that we don't have any recorded history of the Indian, Hindu Kings using rape as a post win war tool.. I remember saying.............

Sentences that came out of my heart...
Now, I really don't know what to tell Nikhil about the values of being an Indian.
- Yes, We are so diverse yet we have a common trait, we cut across caste, age, society when it comes to raping women.
- Indian monsters, don't mind if the girl is educated, which caste/ religion she is, how old she is.
- A 3 year old preschooler, a 16 year old, a 42 year old, a 13 year old blind girl who now has given birth
- In the 21st century, we are one of the most ancient civilizations, talking about legalizing one of the most ancient professions. Arent We proud of our heritage.?
I still done get, how in the whole @#$#@$@#@ world is this going to stop the rape of a 3 year old.
- We have the most sensitive and sensible politicians, whose quotes should be inscribed in gold.
- We have the most comprehensive judicial systems, we look at every aspect of the cases, that we take decades before a case is closed.

Is there an Indian mother, who feels safe enough to leave their daughters out of their sight for more than 5 seconds?
.......உன்  விதி அப்போதே தெரிந்திருந்தாலே
கற்பத்தை நானே கலைத்திருபேனே .....

Name and shame? How long before it becomes the Hall of fame?

There was a mail thread sometime back, where people were offended when someone called out, why in your sane mind, do you want to go back to India?
I would have been too, when I was proud to be an Indian.

புறப்படு ....
யுத்தம் செய் ...

Saturday, December 22, 2012

Here is a solution NRA would love.

After hearing in sheer disbelief, the NRA's reponse on the Sandy Hook murderous spree,
I couldnt stop but coming up with a better solution.....
So here is a solution NRA would love...

Why stop with armed guards at the doors.
What happens if he is shot and the first to be killed?
Why not arm each teacher with guns?
Bullet proof class windows?
Issue bullet proof uniform vests to kids.
What if they are shot in the head, ok, go with bullet proof helmets
What about when they play outside?
construct 10 foot high, jail walls around the entire school?
Or have guards posted every 10m around them?
How about a Couple of assistant coach with more ammo?

Oh what about the field trips the kids take?
Issue a gun to the driver too, as well as blacken the windows and bulletproof the buses.

Oh I forgot the rare cases about high school kids.
Have a metal detectors at every entrance.. TSA would surely be able to help here....

So now we have kids surrounded by gun-carrying adults...
And who is going to guarantee, that tantruming 5 year olds or the 13 year adolescents, wont drive these adults crazy...
and these "temporarily" crazy adults, wont stop from using the Government issued guns to silence the kids???????

So lets go a step more, and come up with new approach,
Design guns for toddlers..
As we all know, children stuff is an inviting market.. Sure profit..
Boys will get super hero themed guns
and girls pink and purple princess/fairy ones...

After all, this is just the beginning of an end.....