Monday, July 9, 2012

Page from the Book of a working mother : Meetings from home

How much ever you juggle, there are some meetings that you have to take from home...
Such meetings are one of scariest times of my life.. Why????

To all the naturale geeks, forced-to-be geeks, and other wannabe geeks,
who have been already initiated into the world of X-Men,
it is an all familiar scene, seeing Dr. X's telepathic communication and astral projection,

Oddly enough, when I saw this scene, it makes me wonder, if my little one does indeed have the X gene....
How else, will I be able to offer a logical explanation for these "normal" occurances at my home

It is meeting time, I have dialled in to the call.
Waiting for my turn to talk.
Things are normal around me, there is absolutely no signs that the peace and quiet will cease to exist.

Exactly 1/2 a second before it is my turn to talk, the little X-Guy, paranormally senses it, even if I didnt have the phone on speaker,
and causes so much mayhem, that I start tearing up. Things like,
- starts talking,nonstop, after the till just then prolonged period silence.
- starts shooting questions, at the speed of light
- Questions so much bizarre, that it would take years to understand where and how the question arrived, from the random train of thoughts, leave alone give an acceptable answer
- has an emergency, like FinMcmissle went missing; his icecream started to melt more than normal;
- had been sitting under in invisible Bodi tree, and gets sudden gyan about life and shares the same to all in the meeting
- spills something, which 99.9% would stain the carpet within seconds of impact
- breaks something, into a million pieces
- hangs upside down, and starts yelling like tarzan
- And my favorite, starts excercising his lung capacity (not necessarily by singing, shrieking has a better outcome).

And so now I am seeing more of X-Men, trying to get more familiar with the workings of a mutant mind....
Hopefully soon, I can predict this, at least a nano second earlier, and brace for the attack....


  1. lol! u shud chk notes with amma on this one :P

  2. Lol... calls trigger the mayhem! Same scenario. .. my home :)
